Authors: Diane Gossen & Judy Anderson
Answers the questions most often asked by superintendents, principals, and teachers who want to move toward becoming a quality school. What is a quality leader? What does a quality leader need to know about the change process? How can we get started? Gossen and Anderson explain that the role of the quality is to create the conditions for change.
“This book provides you with practical but dynamic ways to change a school or organization. These ideas have helped us create the conditions necessary for significant change in our district. I urge you to read the book if you are looking for a practical, proven way to transform your school for the benefit of its children” – Rick Melching, Associate Superintendent, Evergreen School System, WA
“The beauty of this book is its invitation to courage. It offers the process and examples to help a staff examine its personal and leadership beliefs, and to self-assess whether the actions they’re pursuing will get at what really matters. This model has helped our system on its journey toward quality leadership.” – Dr. Carol J. Ericson, Superintendent, Roseville Area Schools, MN
“In this book Judy Anderson, a school principal, and Diane Gossen, who has worked with me in schools since 1968, have joined together to tell all who are interested how to create the conditions that will make it possible for a school to move to a Quality School. Read my books, then put what is in this book into practice, and you are on your way.” – William Glasser, MD, author of The Quality School and The Quality School Teacher.
New View Publications, softcover, 260 pages